Course Director:  Shane A. Bobart, MD


Title: Extracorporeal Treatment of Poisoning


Joshua King, MD

Associate Professor, Medicine and Pharmacy

University of Maryland

Extracorporeal therapies play a vital role in the management of certain poisonings; however, these poisonings are uncommon, and many nephrologists have little experience managing them. This session aims to address that knowledge and experience gap. Specifically, we will discuss the evidence behind the most common uses of extracorporeal treatments for poisoning that nephrologists may need to employ, as well as expound upon how the use of hemodialysis for poisoning differs from other situations.


At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be able to:

  • Understand the principles of extracorporeal removal of poisons
  • Discuss optimization of hemodialysis for poisoning
  • Express a basic understanding of toxic alcohol, salicylate, and lithium poisoning

Meeting ID: 964 7929 1411
Passcode: 055563